20 September 2008


Berjalan Pagi di Cisarua

Ada sebuah tulisan Harry Darsono lainnya yang dipajang di sebuah penginapan di Cisarua.
Bait-bait terakhirnya seolah berpesan tentang cara mendidik yang baik, mendidik dalam arti yang luas, mendidik diri sendiri atau orang lain ...

The Best !

The best king is thinking
The best wealth is health
The best cure is Nature cure
The best culture is agriculture
The best ism is patriotism
The best city is simplicity
The best fare is welfare
The best ship is friendship
The best existence is co-existence
The best love is true love
The best day is today

Character is Life, Character is Power.
Character is True Holiness.
Without Transforming Character
Packing The Brain With Information
Can Only Result in Damaging It.

Harry Darsono

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